Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hockey without Ice

Needed: 4 people, a deck of cards, and plenty of beer.

First, the players divide into teams of 2. Partners sit across the table from each other. The cards are all dealt out. The point of the game is to score the most points. You score a point every time you lay the card of the same value as the person before you laid. To make things more interesting, there are "safe cards": Eights and Jacks. You cannot lay a safe card on another safe card (i.e. no 8 on 8, J on J, 8 on J, J on 8).

The team that was scored upon drinks until told to stop by a member of the scoring team (this explains the variation in the buzz factor). After each point, the cards are cleared by the scoring team (be sure to keep track of each point for scoring purposes). After all the cards have been laid, that's the end of a period.

As in the actual game of hockey, there are 3 periods. The person to the left of period 1's dealer becomes the new dealer, and the same rules apply.  Keep score like this:

End of period 1:  Team 1 scored 5 points - Team 2 scored 12 points

Team 2 leads 7-0 after 1 period

End of period 2:  Team 1 scored 7 points - Team 2 scored 8 points

Team 2 now leads 8-0 after 2 periods (7+(8-7))

End of period 3:  Team 1 scored 15 points - Team 2 scored 3 points

Team 1 wins, 4-0 (15-3=12; 12-8=4)

Liquid Cocaine

I recently was on a search for a new shot because myself and others I tend to go out with are sick of the taste of plain Goldschlager and Sambuca. At this point I would rather drink rat poisoning than put another one of those two shots to my mouth. We were searching through a local bar’s shot recipes and came across one a shot called Liquid Cocaine. The shot still hold a high potency and cannot be mistaken for a "pussy shot" (like taking a Cherry Dr.) so we thought we would take a go at it. I ended up thinking it was pretty damn good and after a few of them I knew we were on to something. Be the judge for yourself and let me know what you think sometime.

1 part Bacardi 151 rum

1 part Jagermeister

1 part Rumple Minze

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's Get Bucked Up!

Last night I went out to the famous 3rd St. of downtown La Crosse with a few buddies with one objective on our mind, shooting some wild animals.  Once we hit 3rd Street we slammed a couple quick drinks at John's Bar to get a little loose then headed across the street to Animal House.  After we each grabbed a beer we headed over to the world's best game of all time while drinking, none other than BUCK HUNTER!  There are different versions from Big Buck Hunter,  BBH2, Safari Game Hunter, Wild Game Hunter and so many more; however Animal House is a proud host of my personal favorite version, Big Buck Safari Game Hunter.  The game costs $1 each for a single trek or $2.50 for three treks a person.  A trek consists of 5 different sites of hunting and a bonus round.  Each site has 3 "bucks" (the male of the species you choose to hunt), 5 critters and a Trophy animal.  Scores are based on how many animals you kill each round, your accuracy and streaks.  With a game like this, it presents the perfect opportunity to make bets all throughout the game on anything from how many bucks a round people can get, scores, accuracy or just use your imagination.  Depending on how drunk of an objective we have for the night we either bet shots or drinks normally on the game.  Last night because of my God given talent for killing fake animals, I won majority of my beer, booze, shots and spent under $20.  This morning when I woke up with a headache I wasn't even mad because I realized I earned that headache and taste of liquor that was still on my breathe through my hardwork and efforts of being a video game killing machine.  Next time you're out with some friends in a bar and see a version of Buck Hunter follow my lead and let the shooting begin!